FINKSTONBALL XXI – Ranking & Awards

Finkstonball XXI is over and what a year this was! Thank you all for comming to Athletics Ballpark and celebrating this sport we all love so much!

Final ranking


  1. Vienna M-Stars
  2. Team Awesome
  3. Austrian Future
  4. St. Pölten PeeWees
  5. Austrian Power
  6. Swiss U22 Softball National Team


  1. Austrian Baseball National Team
  2. ASAK Athletics
  3. X-Presidents
  4. Team Hungary
  5. The North Baseball
  6. Domincan All Stars
  7. BK Vindija Varazdin
  8. Sissach Frogs


The final stats for softball and baseball are available in our statistics section. 


Most Valuable Player: Carla Langthaler

Best Batter: Stephanie Rachbauer (Austrian Power, 8H; .800, 1 Triple, 5 RBI)

Best Pitcher: Conny Chwojka (Team Awesome, ERA 0,7; 10 IP, 16K)


Most Valuable Player: Richard Alzinger

Best Batter: Camden Lawhead (.600, SLG 1.200)

Best Pitcher: Graham Fisher (ERA 0.0, 6IP, 3H)

Winner Home Run Contest: Taylor Eichhorst (First Round: 6 home runs in 90 seconds; Final Round: 9 home runs in 150 seconds)

Congratulations to all teams and all players to their awards!